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About Us

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The Consortium for Media Literacy addresses the role of global media in citizenship, education and health through the design and delivery of research-based implementation programs for youth, educators, parents and adults.


To build a body of research-based programs demonstrating that media literacy is an effective intervention strategy for encouraging citizen engagement, improved literacy and better health.



     21st Century Education



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Tessa Jolls

Project Director and Founder

Tessa Jolls founded the Consortium for Media Literacy, a project of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), in 2008 to address testing and implementation of new research-based curricula.  Jolls' primary focus is working in partnership to demonstrate how media literacy works through school and community-based implementation programs. She actively contributes to the development of the media literacy field internationally through her speaking, writing and consulting, with curriculum development and research projects, and through publishing and disseminating new curricular and training materials.

In 2015, Jolls received the Global Media and Information Literacy Award, in recognition of her work in Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue, from the UNESCO-initiated Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL), in cooperation with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC).   In 2014, Jolls was honored with the International Media Literacy Award by Gateway Media Literacy Partners; in 2013, she was recognized with the Jesse McCanse Award for Individual Contribution to Media Literacy by the National Telemedia Council.

The Consortium for Media Literacy is a project of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE).

Last Updated ( Monday, 31 December 2018 13:39 )